About Energy360

Who We Are

Energy360 is a private 501(c)3 membership based non-profit organization that works to bring energy awareness programs to the public, private business sector and government. Energy360 is working to create a "Footprint" rating system to help consumers make smarter choices.  Energy360 also supports Energy Day Colorado, a free family festival consisting of nearly 70 interactive demonstrations and exhibits supporting STEM careers and awareness.


Started by Lisa Hamil, Energy360 is a grassroots forum for energy conscious individuals and businesses to come together to change the conversation and work for a better world. It uses education, government petition, donation, and rating programs to bring about the change badly needed.

Working with local communities and businesses worldwide, Energy360 brings awareness to the effects of consumerism and high-impact energy practices that threaten our future and negatively impact the environment. Join the conversation with Energy360 and make a change!

Meet Lisa Hamil